Matthew Copley Matthew Copley

Three Methods For Increasing Wealth and Safeguarding Your Financial Future

Investing to achieve financial independence is rarely a get-rich-quick endeavor for people who seek it. Although it's not common, some people have made a fortune from a single, significant cryptocurrency sale. The majority of prosperous investors draft a long-term strategy and tweak it as time passes and new possibilities present themselves.

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Matthew Copley Matthew Copley

Overemphasizing A Bull Market Could Mislead You

Although it can be exciting to talk about a bull market, you might want to temper that a little. This is the reason why: Investment returns are not guaranteed, even in the event that the market's overall value surges.

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Matthew Copley Matthew Copley

Four Pointers For Developing A Successful Financial Plan As A Couple

We've learned a few things about managing money as a pair from our experience assisting hundreds of couples with their retirement and our recent celebration of five years of marriage. In a relationship, money can be very personal and can lead to tension if the two of you are not able to come to an agreement on it.

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Matthew Copley Matthew Copley

Five Tax Moves To Think About Before December 31 For Retirees

The time between retiring and when your required minimum distributions (RMDs) and Social Security income streams start to rise again is known as the "valley." The sooner you retire and the longer you postpone receiving Social Security benefits, the more money you may live off of.

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Matthew Copley Matthew Copley

Copley Financial Group, Inc’s Market Update - September 2023

As we're edging the second half of this month, I wanted to give you this month's market update. I want to provide you an update on the Charles Schwab / Ameritrade merger, tell you about two indicators that are generating a buzz in our economy, some exciting news about the annuity market, and a little bit more about two investment products that might be the right fit for you. So click the button below to know more.

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Matthew Copley Matthew Copley

Copley Financial Group, Inc’s Market Update - August 2023

We're revamping our client services by introducing our support channel. From now on, any inquiries you have regarding your accounts (via email), please add as the recipient. We're introducing this approach to have anyone from our staff help you in any matter you have, leading to an even faster response time from our end.

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