Matthew Copley Matthew Copley

Biden vs Trump: Who Is Better For The Stock Market?

It looks like every person is speculating on which will be better for the stock market: an election of the former Vice President Joe Biden or a re-election of President Donald Trump. While opinions can be extremely polarizing by each person’s political preferences, the final outcome is going to be interesting for the market.

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Troy Robertson Troy Robertson

Think Real Estate Is Going To Be A Problem? Think Again!

Don’t think for a minute that your investment portfolio should stick exclusively to the traditional “stocks and bonds” structure. Today’s market can be quite challenging when trying to evaluate which opportunities will be the most profitable. Commercial Real Estate is an asset class that can bring you several benefits.

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Matthew Copley Matthew Copley

How To Maximize Your Social Security Benefits

Social Security should be the cornerstone for income planning for anyone who is about ready to retire. Here are three reasons why: Social Security makes up on average almost 65% of the total household income. It's the best annuity money can buy. For a married couple, when to elect Social Security may be the most important decision they make in retirement.

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David Magee David Magee

Stocks: Haves and Have-Nots

Befitting recent times, even stocks are polarizing. While investors are enjoying record returns, an unhealthy schism between technology-oriented growth stocks and “old economy” stocks are well advanced.

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Matthew Copley Matthew Copley

Comparing a Health Savings Account To A 401(k)

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a savings medium for people enrolled in a high deductible health plan to save for medical bills that may appear in the future. And due to its features, an HSA might be better than a 401(k).

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Matthew Copley Matthew Copley

Are You Worried About Losing Your Job? Here's What You Can Do

Our unemployment rate is getting better day by day, but many people in the workforce understand that their job might not be safe. Instead of knocking on wood as the pandemic "hungover" worsens, it is essential to be apt to secure another job or prepare economically for a job loss.

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Matthew Copley Matthew Copley

Market Update - Third Week Of May 2021

The broader U.S. stock market was down slightly for the week with the S&P 500 declining 0.33% and the Russell 2000 weakening by 0.41%. The NASDAQ rose 0.41% while the international markets were the winners: international developed markets (MSCI EAFE) rose 1.08% as the emerging markets (MSCI EM) added 1.75%

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Matthew Copley Matthew Copley

Ways To Have Healthy Finances During The New Normality

Now that several states in our country are slowly opening their businesses, revamping the economy, while others are staying put with the government’s regulations, you might have some free time in your hands. See this as an opportunity to get ahead with your personal numbers, whether if it is to beat the market, protect yourself from scammers, or try new things. I’ve assembled a couple of tips that can benefit your finances.

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